
Video Surveillance System Policies and Practices

Video Surveillance System Policies and Practices for

Sommer Place Homeowners Association

Version 1.0  17March2018

The intent of this document is to define the policies and practices for the Video Surveillance

Systems installed by the Sommer Place Homeowners Association.  Questions not specially addressed in this document will be taken to the Sommer Place Homeowners Association Board for resolution.  This document is intended to cover the video surveillance installed at the entrances to the subdivision.



The primary purpose of the video surveillance systems is to protect Sommer Place

Homeowners Association property, act as a deterrent to crime, as well as assist in the after-the-fact investigation of crimes committed within the subdivision.  The intent is to provide law enforcement agencies with video clips relevant to a specific official investigation.  The video surveillance systems are not intended to provide real time monitoring to observe crimes at the time they are being committed.  The video surveillance systems are also not intended to provide residents or others with video clip of incidents for their personal use.  The Sommer Place Homeowners Association Board or it’s authorized representatives may view live or stored video as they deem appropriate in managing the Sommer Place.


Video Surveillance Recording

In the event law enforcement agencies request video clips related to an official police report/

incident and/or a subpoena, a formal request by the law enforcement agency will be made to the Sommer Place Homeowners Association Board President.  The board president will then contact the other board appointed surveillance systems administrators.  The board president or one of the other systems administrators will review the video recordings and provide the law enforcement agency with the appropriate video clips in encrypted native format along with the player to view the video clips. Video clips will not be provided to residents for their personal use.


Limitations of Video Surveillance Systems

Residents should be aware that the video surveillance systems are not monitored on a regular basis.  Residents should also be aware that the video surveillance systems have cameras that cover only a small fraction of the subdivision and even where camera coverage exists, it may not always provide the level of detail necessary to spot suspicious activity or identify criminals. The video clips will be provided as one aid to help in law enforcement investigations but residents should always be on alert and report what they have observed to the appropriate law enforcement authorities as soon as possible.  The cameras only have a given amount of storage so the chance exists that if the crime happened outside the storage capability of the camera that the footage was deleted.

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